Fast Facts on Colorectal Cancer
It is the second leading cause of male and female cancer-related deaths in Canada. Colon cancer is one of the [...]

Did you know that physical inactivity is a risk factor in colorectal cancer development?
An inactive lifestyle has been linked to increased risk of colorectal cancer development. It is estimated that 22,200 new cases [...]

Exceeding Standards for Quality Endoscopy and Patient Safety
Our clinic has received a complete passing grade from the College Of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Out of Hospital [...]

Canada tops list of countries for inflammatory bowel disease
An Alberta researcher has determined that Canada and Europe have the highest incidence of inflammatory bowel disease (IDB), which the [...]

Patient Instructions in Tamil, Hindi, and Urdu
At GTA Endoscopy, we strive to make your experience, whether it be a procedure or consultation, as smooth as possible. [...]

Our Track Record
We are proud to have served our community for over 6 years, completing over 25,000 procedures with a documented 98% [...]

New Colonoscopy Patient Information Sheet
Please review our updated Colonoscopy Patient Information Sheet before your procedure. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate [...]

Save time at the office on your first visit
Complete the medical questionnaire prior to your first appointment and save time at the office. All new patients are required [...]

What To Expect On Your First Call
After we receive your referral, we will contact you to book an appointment. You will be asked a series of [...]

Colonoscopy Preparation Instructions: UPDATED 2019
Please be advised that the preparation documentation and instructions have been updated on February 25, 2019. CLICK HERE to View [...]